One of the problems with a blog is that you read the last story first. This story follows the one below. London's Top Shop makeover was inspired by the new NYC flagship. Clean navigation lines and stronger, more spacious story landing locations work for me. Via Dalziel + Pow
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No.1 niece (architecture student) has just arrived home from her first Euro adventure (back-packing around looking at buildings with the boyfriend). They were telling me about their top picks. Top Shop on Oxford St (London) got a mention (primarily for the reason Qantas lost her bag). The refurb is quite a dramatic change from the store I saw 18 months ago. Seems the clutter is gone and clean lines are in. The Personal Shopping suite has been given a major makeover ... these pics do not reflect the positioning we have come to know for this brand. We are seeing more and more slick store design for young fast fashion brands. Via DDI.