I kicked off Spring with a trip to Sydney and discovered who puts the hoo in woo. The talented trio of Woo sisters have a superb shop that hits all the marks mentioned in the Starbucks story below. Their clever functional fashion (made here in Oz) is combined with a unique collection of little curios that make gorgeous gifts for girls. Silly me didn't ask the name of the lovely lady running the shop, but she deserves a mention for her smile and customer service style. I'd love to sit down and have High Tea with the three Mrs Woo's. Over a soothing cup of Ooolong & cucumber sandwich I'd suggest they open a store in Melbourne. High Tea with Mrs Woo can be found at number Seventy Too, Oxford Street Paddington, or on line at the same name dot com dot a u (a gorgeous web site by the way).
Woo hoo
Dancing on the ceiling

If you are middle-aged you will remember Nicole Ritchie's dad danced on the ceiling. I believe it was the fabulous Victor and Rolf store in Milan that originally turned store design on its head. The latest Peter Alexander jim-jam store in Sydney's Mid City is also looking up. For the young ones who havent seen this approach before I'm sure they'll think it's fun (lordy, I sound like my mother).
Plum job