I'm blogging from Brisbane this morning. Now this is a town that has definitely lifted its game in the coffee stakes over the past few years. Lots of indie roasters and cool little places are popping up all over the place. I had a damn fine flat white (a Genovese blend) to kick start the day at the retro feel Desmond & Molly Jones. Find them at 615 Stanley St Woolloongabba.
Beatles inspired beans
Woolly wonders
In newsletter no. 11 I mentioned the work of melanie porter and her big knit chairs. I have also admired the work of Christien Meindertsma and her FLOCK label for some time now. I was looking through a colour palette file yesterday and re-found her gorgeous autumnal tone soft seating which I thought was worth sharing.
Brand new J Crew

Colour my world
Had a latte with my BFF yesterday. He was talking up the new Pantone app for our iPhones so I downloaded it then and there, then asked him to show me how to use it. "Oh I haven't bought it yet" was his response. Fat lot of use he is (and for the love of design I wasn't going to break all my rules and start reading instructions). Another very useful man has made a video and put it on You Tube if you are looking for the fast track clues. Anyhow what I was going to tell you about is the new Pantone Hotel in Brussels. We've seen the mugs, the sneakers, the chairs, the panettone (how clever was that!) and now you can sleep with your favourite colour swatch. Love the idea of zipping about Belgium on their Pantone yellow bicycle wearing my rose coloured glasses.
Meet Joe Black

Kitchenware flare
Donna Marcus does dramatic things with discarded pots and pans. Her exhibition is currently on the boil at Fed Square.
Proud Mary … And Rightly So!
This place has been on my list for months. I finally rolled across the river on Saturday morning to check out what all the 'hoo ha' was about, and was well rewarded for my effort if I don't mind saying. The space felt a little like being in downtown Soho NYC for a few hours (without the jetlag). It was so good I went back again on Sunday.
Proud Mary is barista Nolan Hirte's new baby (ex Liar Liar, Hawthorn). In the coffee stakes he's a big wheel that keeps on turning out consistent quality, aided by a 6 group Synesso.
Great staff. Fab Food. Love it, love it, love it.
It's my pick of the month. You can find Mary at 172 Oxford St Collingwood (leave a seat for me please).
Cool new crop
Ridgway Place was blooming with fresh basil and tall tulips last night. Joost has taken to the streets with a truck full of sustainably grown flowers and aromatic herbs. Urban Crop will be in various locations around Melbourne over the next 8 weeks. The Bedford full of blooming bulbs will be parked outside Batch Espresso, 320 Carlisle Street Balaclava this Saturday (15th May). I recommend you kick start the weekend with a good latte and a bunch of tulips.
Playing with design
Macca's have been moving in a new design direction for some years now. I was digging around on a design site reading about something completely different when I discovered the Dutch firm who has developed the new look play pens for Euro kids. Seems that aside from fries, McDonalds are asking "would you like a little learning with that?" The short people I know would love to play here.
Stand up straight
Colleen & Eric live in NYC. Love the simplicity of their clever shelf. Via swissmiss