That's one big ol' present tree Santa held up during the month of December at the IFC . Via Bluebalu & WPG
IFC & one big tree
Harvey’s in Honkers
Harvey Nic's is a stand out on the world VM stage. Their Christmas windows in Hong Kong were just clever clever clever ... and my pick for the 'big budget' stand out moment this season. A stunning composition of everyday objects formed into fabulous props showcase a snippet of super luxe, high-end fashion and accessories. Soles and lasts maketh the shoe. Naturally the key to a woman's heart in Honkers is a high-end brand handbag (just how many keys did it take to make that bag I wonder?) A teddy made from bottle teets is too cute and the cool dude composed of cassette tapes tickled my VM fancy (I am suspicious my new assistant Charmaine's young man was the model for this moment!). Charmaine is off to Honkers again next week. She is on a POD mission to see what daring Year of the Dragon VM and other shopping surprises she can find to share with us. via Italvision.
Take one peg board

A good VM coach
Love B&W. Love simple line drawings. Love this window as seen in downtown Manhattan, NYC. You've got to love Coach.
Flower power
Why put a bag over your head when a big bunch of flowers is so much prettier? This has been a strong VM trend over the past 12 months with Printemps doing it better than most. Pic thanks to RDB.
And the Oscar goes to…
I've looked at loads of Christmas window VM over the past weeks. A lot of the big International retailers with sizeable budgets didn't really hit the mark for me. The Oscar de la Renta store on Madison in Manhattan was a stand out. A spot on brand moment and, I'm guessing, highly likely to be a very cost effective exercise. Via Oscar's PR girl.