Cynthia Rowley has put the ooooh into poo with her designer diapers (known as nappies down here in the Antipodes). Her collaboration with Pampers ranges from pink and frilly to designer denim. Surely this will start a trend and has got to push those Disney-like bottoms along the shelf to make way for more pret-a-porter style stuff for the little stink pots? I spotted them because I spotted these bling bandages just a moment before. Rowley has teamed up with Band-Aid to create a limited edition tin of sticky plasters. That paper cut pain won't be quite so stingy if you cover it with sequins, lace or a big ol'diamond Band-Aid. A dollar from the sale of each tin goes to Design Ignites Change. Via The LA Times.
Designed to sell
I sea shoes
I spotted this shoe store getting into the VM swim of things. Don't be alarmed the goldfish are fake!
Hitting the wall
Bike shop owner Chrsitian Petersen has spoken. What he said was "Hey, lookie over here, I sell bikes". I assume the 120 two wheelers hanging off the outside of the shop are not for sale or hire... but I could be wrong?. Altlandsberg, Germany. Via my NZ mate Murphy, who spotted it on New York Daily News.
A few of my favourite things

After thought
I stepped out of the deli hall at Queen Vic Market to discover AFTER, a colourful little shop with a social conscience. Phoebe Munro and her mum support South African crafters who make things from discarded materials. Woven bowls from old telephone wire, cute animals and angels from plastic bags and soft drink cans, fab light fittings and colourful fly screens from plastic bottles and tops that have been tossed in the trash. Whilst I said I wouldn't include the pic with Pheebs in it, who could resist such a happy smile? She also supports local crafters making products from reclaimed materials. AFTER 99 Therry Street Melbourne 3000.
Up up and away with Kikki K
Super hero stationery store, Kikki K, appears to be resistant to the economic kryptonite. They are up up and away for fathers day.
More on Meg
Megan Park has sent through some professional shots. They make mine look a bit manky don't they!
Don’t be miffed
Oooh I have just spotted the first Miffy shop based on the theme ‘Coloring Book Village’. Whimsical illustrations of fences, flowers and houses follow Dick Bruna's graphic style and create a complete Miffy storybook store experience. Designed by the v. talented UXUS. Miffy can be found in the V&D department store Amsterdam. I know a few short people who would love to 'shop' here! via DDI.
This bird sings
My mate Murphy is the man behind the Kiwi coffee brand, KoKaKo. He sent me pics of the new pop up cafe he and his crew put together in 24 hours (and its taken me about 24 days to remember he sent them to me - soz about that). He's also put together some limited edition Tee's and a print that tells the KoKaKo coffee bean story. They're fun. Illustrated by Stephen Richardson, you can buy them through Parinto (free shipping anywhere around the globe). If you're in downtown Auckland then pop into this new pop up... find KokaKo on the corner of Wolfe & Federal Streets.
Wonder white
Wonder White... isn't that the name of a bland white bread brand in this country? Illumination and illustration ensures this hotel room is a wonder of white in the night. Next time you're schwinging by Singapore you might want to check into Wanderlust? It looks so cool that I think it's now officially on my must see, stay, do list. I can't remember where I found the photo. Soz to whomever I snaffled it from. For Melburnians, Zwei Design used a similar but different 3D graphic/light effect at Caffeinatics newbie at 500 Bourke St (next door to Earl and under Movida Aqui). If you're good I might dig out those pics for you too.