Love this simple yet effective, bright yellow floral installation to signify winter is on the wane and spring has sprung in Germany. Artist unknown. Via Colossal.
Love this simple yet effective, bright yellow floral installation to signify winter is on the wane and spring has sprung in Germany. Artist unknown. Via Colossal.
No need for specs when looking for your seat in this venue! I like the simplicity and clear communication strategy for this lecture hall at the University of Technology in Munich. via Deubzer King Rimmel Architects
I discovered this uber elegant department store whilst in Germany last month. The sunny yellow window story celebrating spring fashion / Manhattan meets Munich first caught my eye (actually it was the beautiful building with black silhouettes in the first floor windows that first captured my curiosity). I wasn't disappointed when I stepped inside for a snoop.
It is always "interesting" to see what sits on the top floor of a department store. Increasingly such spaces are being converted to "dining with a view" (if a view is on offer) or speciality destinations. To my surprise I found a seriously luxe fit out and a very large CD collection. My first thought was "wow this fit out must have cost a bomb ... it's gorgeous ... and their customer base must be 60 yrs plus". I wondered why such a department even existed with on-line sales seemingly decimating the music category. I discovered the store specialises in a certain category and "very hard to find" discs. Offering the largest classical music collection in Europe this is a well known destination for lovers of Baritone, Baroque, Busoni and a zillion other classical composers with names that left me clueless. I love a retail surprise and Munich was full of them!
I am drifting a little from the regular POD fodder subject, but this one was too good not to share. I arrived in Munich to find the town in full-on Fat Tuesday mode. Young and old get dressed up and celebrate the last day before Lent (the 6 weeks before Easter). The dudes in the orange Combi win the smart award (bring your own seat), the Viking was literally standing up having a bit of a kip but my fave has to be the buxom blonde!. From what I could see they give the beer halls a fair nudge on this particular day ... those Germans sure know how to party!
I wish I hadn't spotted this florist when it was closed as I would love to have snapped some more pics. Spied somewhere in downtown Munich.
Simple yet striking windows showcase neutral spring fashion tones. Spotted in Munich.
Have been and seen Euroshop 2011 and squeezed in a quick squizz around Dusseldorf old town. Fave find was SecondHand, a somewhat wacky store selling vintage designer labels mixed in with military millinery, furs that were definitely not faux, old Kelly-like bags to wag and a sprinkling of costumes from stage and screen. Some seriously kooky merchandising happening here and from what I could gather the owner is a somewhat famous stylist, but given my lack of German language skills I could easily have misinterpreted this information. Find Secondhand at 27 Wallstrabe next time you're dashing through Dusseldorf.
Bike shop owner Chrsitian Petersen has spoken. What he said was "Hey, lookie over here, I sell bikes". I assume the 120 two wheelers hanging off the outside of the shop are not for sale or hire... but I could be wrong?. Altlandsberg, Germany. Via my NZ mate Murphy, who spotted it on New York Daily News.