Detailed woodwork + white and light. This flagship projects, reflects and plays a surprise hand in the store style stakes. Via Phillip Lim.
Imagine if I was filthy rich and had a chauffeur ... I'd miss seeing this stuff! (Actually if I was filthy rich I'd snoop & scribe permanently... anybody want to sponsor me?!). But back to reality and my subway sojourns... the yellow line was in Tokyo, the green line in Milan. I love no-brainer, colour-coded clues when I find myself in foreign places trying to fast-track figuring the transit system.
Storm clouds in Ginza (actually, storm clouds is an understatement - I braved 2 days of typhoonal wind and rain so I could tell you about the Tokyo stuff - when in all reality I could have just stayed dry in the national museum or something normal like that). This is Diesel Black Label making a merchandising effort. Just so you know Diesel, I appreciate it.
How cute are these future Captains of Industry cutting a deal (with their mothers no doubt!). Couldn't resist snapping these tech-savvy tots. Spotted in Ebisu.
It's 4 levels of fashion (I figured that out from the other side of the road). I liked the fact that you can see this fashion from afar. It reminded me that I wondered why, when standing on a different street in a different city, had David Jones (the iconic Melbourne dept store undergoing redevelopment) turned their back on Lt Bourke St and internalised their merchandising story? Who knows... but I'll see if I can find that pic and post it too.
Forever 21 can be found on the big international brand strip (Top Shop, H&M, Gap etc) in Harajuku. From what I have read this store does phenomenal foot traffic (1000 lined up for the opening... 1,000,000 through the door in the first 2 months). Lordy I think I'll call it Forever Cash Up in future.
I thought Harajuku Takeshita Street was hilarous (that statement obviously shows my age) - although it wasn't funny when the camera battery went flat (use it 16 hours a day and it will do that). Takeshita Dori is for fast-fashion forward teenagers and emerging brands. It's also a great people perve and, although it is the width of a sardine tin and just as tightly packed, you really shouldn't miss it.